4 Misleading Concrete Furniture Myths Debunked

Many of us have been believing that concrete is something we can only either have a walkway made of, road to drive on or build monuments and foundations with. However, this is a huge myth clouding the minds of many. Concrete is a versatile material that can be used to make lounge furniture, outdoor seating, home décor items, accent pieces, and much more. Not just the material made out of concrete is versatile, tough, durable, and long-standing but also looks immensely elegant and sophisticated. Concrete craft has been there since ages and is not something new to be heard of. Here, in this blog, I am debunking some popular and misleading myths about concrete furniture and material and the truth behind them: Myth#1 – Concrete is Always Grey in Colour Well, this is not completely a myth but lacks complete information for users to guide them about. It is true that concrete does start out initially as grey in colour and doesn’t always necessarily end that way. Concrete-approp...